and lots,
of notes. As the apprentice, (Insert Donald Trump Joke Here) part of my job is to diligently take notes during class, and transcribe them later to be circulated to the group. Thus, I posses an epic trifecta of learning. First I listen to the information being taught, then I write it down, and lastly I re-read and type it into a Word Document. Choose which learning style you like most. I get all three. Which incidentally was something we learned about today. So I guess I am an audial, tactile AND visual learner. When I was younger I believe it was called ADD.
Most importantly though, I TAUGHT MY FIRST SEQUENCE TODAY! Ah yes, the lovely and vital Sun Salutation A. I'm not quite off book yet, due to lack of Sanskrit memorization, but it is a fantastic feeling to have my first instructional experience completed. As a group, we cycled through Sun A about fifteen times, instructed first by the two teachers, and then by each student chosen at random by Marc.
Throughout class we demonstrated and dissected twenty poses, (I got to demonstrate Down Dog, and Pyramid Pose) offering suggestions of modifications and adjustments. I won't lie, learning the Sanskrit is tough business. There are Danda's and Uttana's and Bhujanga's! Parsva's sound like Parshva's and Shiv sounds are Shav's! I don't know if I'm Virabhadrassana-ing or shiving someone. Am I preparing myself for unifying serenity or prison fights?
During lunch break a few of us walked to Downtown Crossing by way of new Ryan Reynolds movie set. Yeah, no big deal, we just hung out and watched them film a car chase for a minute before we were allowed to cross the street. Then at DTXing one of my fellow students who doesn't live in the city gave a bum two bucks when he begged her as she was getting change back from lunch. He explained he was starving and needed food. She gave him a dollar, and then he said well how about two dollars, so she forked it over. He immediately turned around to the convenience stand beside us and purchased a two dollar scratch ticket. Another concept we discussed today was balance and wholeness. With abundance, there is also barrenness. With innocence, must also come depravity. It was jarring to see it so closely juxtaposed within such a short time-frame.
To end practice Rebecca had us each choose a colorful card from a deck she offered up to the group. She told us we would pull the card that we needed to have, that we should reflect on it, and then bring it back tomorrow. My card is about forgiveness.
There was a beautiful sunset tonight.
OMG! THERE ARE SO MANY THINGS I LOVE ABOUT THIS POST! First, written notes *swoon* No one writes anymore! It's all typing and Facebook and yuck. I still have a paper planner and no one on this Earth can force me to write what I have to do for the day down in a stupid electronic little phone thing.
ReplyDeleteRe: forgiveness. Bestill my beating heart. I love forgiveness. When you can't forgive other people, you can't forgive yourself and you can't move on with your life. When you can't forgive others, they have control over you. Well fuck that! When you said something about Rebecca saying that you will pull the card that is right for you, it reminded me of when I was going to Al Anon. I was scared as shit but I forced myself to go. The topic for the meeting was exactly the issue I was dealing with: detachment. Anyways, the topic matters not. What matters is that we are sometimes hit right in the face with what we need to deal with in our lives. Isn't it beautiful?
PS - That is a beautiful sunset
PPS - Here is one of my FB notes. About forgiveness! http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150201211728048
PPPS - I love you <3
Bhujanga sounds dirty! ;-)