Friday, November 11, 2011

Nadi Shodhana - Balance That Breath, Folks!

Last weekend (which was the half-way point of training, mind explode!!!) I lead a Pranayama, or breathing exercise focused on balancing the left and right sides of the brain and breath. Nadi Shodhana, or "Alternate Nostril Breath" involves breathing through each nostril separately, alternating the breath by covering the nostrils one by one. In the below video, this very nice lady on a beach in California does an excellent job of demonstrating Nadi Shodhana. Thankfully, there are no videos of me demonstrating this technique.


  1. OMG, I thought you meant that people had actually mastered breathing through different nostrils without COVERING them. I was like "DAYUM!" ;)

  2. It's too bad that I can never breathe through both nostrils at the same time. I could try this. :(
